Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pain, Pain, Go Away! Don’t Come Back Another Day!

One of the strange things about writing is working out what we take for granted. The problem is judging how much to explain. Sometimes, we explain everything as in the “for dummies” series of books. That’s everything you didn’t know about most things in big yellow packages.

So here I am writing about ultram as the Best Painkiller, and then I realized I might be assuming that everyone knows all there is to know about pain — other than it hurts, of course. To fill in the gaps, I therefore offer the following quick guide (with my humble apologies if you already know all this). Pain is acute when it’s severe (i.e. it really, really hurts) but it’s only going to last for a short period of time.

A good example would be the pain you feel after you’ve been cut open for surgery. Apart from the scapel-wielding surgeon, the reason for this kind of pain is to act as a warning not to move around too much. The body is telling you that more movement is going to cause more tissue damage. So, ultram works well to give you immediate relief both while your body heals and as you begin to exercise again to rebuild muscle tone. If pain persists over time, it is termed chronic and becomes a disease/disability process in its own right.

Many factors can contribute to converting short-term into long-term pain. It may be a function of the initial injury or disease, whether there is nerve damage, the onset of depression or age. The latest studies of neuroplasticity show that severe acute pain can become chronic because the process to limit the transmission of pain messages breaks down. The nervous system slowly becomes more sensitive and reacts more strongly to pain signals. Nerves learn or remember pain. New habits form. Again Ultram can suppress pain signals but, this treatment should be accompanied by cognitive behavioral therapy to learn how to cope with pain.

When you experience symptoms of shooting, electric, tingling or burning but there are no obvious causes, this is described as neuropathic pain. As with chronic pain, treatment with ultram slows down the pain and gives you a breathing space during which physiotherapy, relaxation training and other pain management techniques are applied. If the pain is localized at the site of an injury or some other physical problem such as arthritis, and you feel it as sharp, throbbing or aching, this is described as nociceptive. Treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and stronger painkillers such as ultram are recommended. So this post was mild and acute and, because it’s a known cause, the resulting pain was nociceptive.

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